Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wheatgrass is a Scam

Let's talk a little bit about wheatgrass. I always order it because since it tastes so bad it must be healthy. Plus if the Jamba Juice girl is cute its fun to watch her prep the shot by cutting the grass and then liquefying it to a putrid green color. Here's the point: My dog ate grass everyday and he only lived to be 20 years old. Wheatgrass, go figure!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why I will vote for Sarah Palin...

She is hot.

The Worst Tattoo Ever

No caption could encapsulate how bad this is...

Those Retarded Family Stickers on the back of Cars

I am driving down the road today staring in utter disbelief at the rear window of a mini van where somebody has put retarded caricatures of their family. There appears to be three adults and ten kids, three dogs, two cats, and some sort of rodent that I tried to get a good look at while riding this van's bumper. This is the ultimate form of worthless expression. Sometimes I have seen these stickers that have captions below them referring to who is depicted in the cartoon, for example: Little Lupe, or Loco the Dog. Who the fuck cares what your dog's name is or your name for that matter?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Roman Polanski

I can't believe this guy Roman Polanski married the hot chick from "Frantic" Emmanuelle Seigner. I am surprised he liked her because she was over 15 at the time which probably makes her old by his standards.

Music I Hate

When I hear Los Lonely Boys on the radio it takes a great deal of mental acumen in order to avoid projectile vomiting out the window. I can't believe people would actually like this shit. I almost think that a vial of arsenic should come free with the purchase of their crap album so people can just put themselves out of their misery.

Professors that won't admit they are wrong

My Community Property professor asked a question on the midterm that only 32% of the class answered correctly. Why? The question was retarded. It asked about a situation regarding a prenuptial agreement where the woman contracted away her rights to receive alimony or child support in the event of divorce. First of all nobody in their right mind would do this and you can't even disclaim your right to seek child support because by virtue kids need support no matter how dumb the prenup. Anyways the question asked what would be the woman's strongest argument if the case went to trial: (a) To try to just go for the child support because you cannot disclaim a child's right to support in a prenup; or (b) To try to get the child support and alimony. I wrote A because it's much more likely that the child support will be enforced then child support and alimony. The Professor said the best answer was (b) which is fucking absurd because getting both child support and alimony is much less likely to prevail. I asker her in class is "strongest" argument translated to "most outrageous" argument which she had no response for. For all the accountability bullshit that gets preached in law school when it comes down to it nobody is willing to admit they are wrong because they are too stubborn. Who pays the price? Students who actually care about knowing what the right answer is.